Adult Ministries
Adult ministries aren't forgotten here at FUMC! We have Sunday School, Bible studies, fellowship groups, and music groups, too!
Sunday School meets every week from 9:45 a.m. to 10:30 p.m. One Adult Class meets in the Parlor (behind the kitchen). The other meets in the room behind the sanctuary in conjunction with the Joyful Noise Choir practice.
Twice each year, we have 8-week classes with dinner on Wednesday evenings.
Twice each year, we have 8 weeks of Women Of the Word! A group of women meet on Thursday mornings at 9:30 to share in laughter, praying, and discussing how God’s Word relates to thier lives. They meet at different houses, so check the calendar to see where they are meeting this week!
Our women’s circle “The Rebekahs” meet monthly on the third Tuesday at 5:30pm. They do several service projects that include baking, sewing, and quilting, plus they fellowship and study together as sisters in Christ.